The Turn Chapters

Welcome Reader,

      This saga takes place in the future, years after the Insanity saga. Not to worry, you don't need to read the Insanity saga in order to understand what happens in The Turn. The Turn takes place on the Island where Others, people with powers, live to be accepted because modern society doesn't deem them as human beings. On the Island, there is a building called the Tower. It is an organization that specializes in protecting the world. Agents, those who work for the Tower, go where they are sent to fix problems and prevent disasters.

Six teenagers, all age 16, are trying to become Agents themselves. Will they succeed? What evil forces will they have to face together? Will good triumph over evil? Read on to find out!

The Author,       

Happy Readings!
Click on the link to go to the chapter!

Island ~ Map
~ A Map of the Island!

Prologue ~ Times Square
~This is just the prologue to get you guys a feel for the next saga!

The Turn ~ Characters
~Just a list of who is in the Turn, no big deal.


Chapter One ~ Shuppet’s a Puppet
~If you loved Undertaker, I think you'll enjoy Puppetmaster!

Chapter Two ~ Assess This!
~Glimpses of the team to come!

Chapter Three ~ He's Seriously Sirius
~Ha! A play on words...

Chapter Four ~ Unwanted Power of Invisibility
~The pieces start meshing together.

Chapter Five ~ Cornbread Etiquette
~Never ever, ever eat cornbread whole.

Chapter Six ~ Twice a Day
~You don't want to mess with Naru...

Chapter Seven ~ Becoming a Real Team

Chapter Eight ~ Capture the Flag
~I love that game! Coming soon!

Chapter Nine ~ In the Same Boat
~And they enter! Will they leave as victors?!

Chapter Ten ~ Zero - One
~Full of one time characters! BEWARE!

Chapter Eleven ~ Blast!

Chapter Twelve ~ The Driver
~Is Scar the real master mind?

Chapter Thirteen ~ Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hide
~I meant to type 'Hyde' as 'Hide'. Dr. Jekyll is himself and Mr. Hide is'll get it in a minute.

Chapter Fourteen ~ And So It Begins
~Hello, this is the Tower, hold please. Hello, this is the Tower, hold please...


Chapter Fifteen ~ Mission Impossible - Part 1
~Da da da da! Da da da da! Da da da da! Da da da da! Ba dada! Ba dada!

Chapter Sixteen ~ Mission Impossible - Part 2
~Sorry, Tom Cruise wasn't available for this production...

Chapter Seventeen ~ Short Vacations
Don't you hate it when work calls you in last minute...

Chapter Eighteen ~ Plan B? or Not Plan B?
~That is the question! :3

Chapter Nineteen ~ Called Out
~The Doctor seems to be in.

Chapter Twenty ~ Busted
~Not good, I say, not good at all

Chapter Twenty-One ~ The Fixer's Job
~Can he fix it!? Yes, he can!

Chapter Twenty-Two ~ Hypothetical Situations
~Hypothetically speaking, of course.

Chapter Twenty-Three ~ Just You and Me
~Chaud and Zara sitting in a tree; T.A.L.K.I.N.G!

Chapter Twenty-Four ~ A Beautiful Performance
~Encore! Encore!

Chapter Twenty-Five ~ Call the Wolves

Chapter Twenty-Six ~ On the Scent
~Oh, its on!

Chapter Twenty-Seven ~ Three Points
~That's right we're back!

Chapter Twenty-Eight ~ Someone's Out There Watching
~Ever get that feeling that someone's watching you?

Chapter Twenty-Nine ~ Rev Your Engines
~This is where the action starts!

Chapter Thirty ~ Clash of the Titans - Part 1
~Let's do this thing!

Chapter Thirty-One ~ Clash of the Titans - Part 2
~No civilians were harmed. Everyone is okay. Except the Others...

Chapter Thirty-Two ~ Clash of the Titans - Part 3
~The epic face down ends here!

Chapter Thirty-Three ~ Tough Love
~Sometimes love hurts.

Chapter Thirty-Four ~ Jailbreak
~We're bustin' outta 'ere!

Chapter Thirty-Five ~ Beginning of the End
~Why do all good things come to an end?


Chapter Thirty-Six ~ Calm before the Storm
~Prepare for the worst!

Chapter Thirty-Seven ~ So It Begins

Chapter Thirty-Eight ~ Last Stand
~The tides of war can change with the blowing of the wind.

Chapter Thirty-Nine ~ Wake of Devastation

Chapter Forty ~ New Way of Life
~Our favorite detective is on the case!


Chapter Forty-One ~ The End of the Order - Part 1
~The comeback! We're on the home stretch!

Chapter Forty-Two ~ The End of the Order - Part 2
~Don't judge a book...

Chapter Forty-Three ~ The End of the Order - Part 3
~Let's get 'im!


Chapter Forty-Four ~ New Beginnings
~Wrapping things up for the win!

~The End~

Thanks for reading!

~Undertaker and Blondesmoothie