Friday, June 17, 2011

Insanity Characters


Alister Strider
            -former police man, trigger happy, related to Undertaker, red hair and eyes

Arisa Bolverich
            -twelve years old, has fire powers, slight pyromaniac tendencies, white hair and gold eyes, looks like a minny Fang

Black Rose
            - he controls plants, part of Zeta of Darkness

            -most of his childhood was spent as test subject, blue hair and eyes, can manipulate water, never says anything

            -member of Dancing Dragons, has rock powers

            -member of the circus, has some kind of miming powers, later part of Zeta of Darkness

            -main character, white and black hair, leader in black group with the Tower, former assassin uses a single silver gun, very intelligent

            -she has fire powers, part of Zeta of Darkness

            -member of Edonya’s circus, can multiply her self

            -member of the Dancing Dragons, has cat powers

            -the clown in Edonya’s circus, is clinically insane, enjoys blowing things up, has no powers

            -member of Dancing Dragons, teleportation

            -a member of Zeta of Darkness, really smart, has the power of force fields and nullification, programs the divice

Penelope Patience
            -dual personality, purple eyes, black hair, expert hacker

            -member of Dancing Dragons, has physic powers

Raven Crow
            -mysterious girl, always wears a dark purple cloak, green eyes and purple hair, often goes into a battle rage

            -an island creature called a Neuw, acts very human, Undertaker’s assistant, has a tail, pearl fur color, six inches tall, ‘nope’ and ‘yep’ are the only English words he can say

            -part of Edonya’s circus, can control animals

Sage Tariq
            -he outsmarts Fang on their first meeting, Tower Director
            -member of Dancing Dragons, fire powers

Shadow Peirce
            -expert in daggers and knives, black hair red eyes, strange fascination with blood, one of the Others, can walk in walls as a shadow

            -mysterious Agent Fang frequently does business with.

            -part of Edonya’s circus, has powers similar to Shadow’s, later joins Zeta of Darkness

            -don't really need to know him

            -a nobody really, someone Fang uses to find the Dancing Dragons, no importance other then than he has his own chapter

            -mysterious shop owner, formally involved with the Tower, most consider him insane, long grey hair, always wears a grey cloak

Victor Anthony
            -head of crime on the Tower, resides in the Alleys, the Tower Breaker Club is his headquarters

            -part of Edonya’s circus, can absorb energy and release it as an attack

            -member of Dancing Dragons, manipulate objects

            -Dancing Dragon leader, can make her tattoos come alive, later is part of Zeta of Darkness
            -the leader of Zeta, evil guy


            -network of intertwined alleyways, home of many gangs and drug dealers, not a safe place to wander into

            -where Thomas works, filled with Others

            -unknown island, undetectable, where the Others can reside peacefully

Orwell Building
             -where Fang and the others battle the Zeta of Darkness

Pawn Shop
            -Undertaker’s business, used as a place where Agents get their information from the Tower

            -organization that works at keeping world peace

Tower Breaker Club
            -Victor’s Club in the Alleys

            - a place in the Alleys where gangs go to make deals, trade members, duke it out, party


            -those who work for the Tower

            -a gem stone

            -teams who do missions for the Tower, highly sensitive missions

-A straight, close-fitting silk dress with a high neck, short sleeves, and a slit skirt, worn traditionally by Chinese and Indonesian women

            -mutated humans who either are born with or obtained powers through death

            - A dagger with two sharp prongs curving outward from the hilt, originating in Okinawa and sometimes used in pairs in martial arts

            -an aircraft that cannot be detected by any modern technology, it can turn invisible, fly at high speeds, be used as an underwater craft or as a spaceship, made by the Tower

            -a large bird with a piercing screech and deadly thunder powers

Wolf Walkers
            -Fang’s team, work without working for the Tower, they do what the Tower asks, tries to stop team Zeta

Where's Waldo
             -fictional character in children books, he was the thing before I Spy books

            -members of Fang’s team

Zeta of Darkness
            -rival team from Fang’s, evil, objective is to turn all humans into Others or kill them all off and rule a world of Others


  1. i have only read the characters, places, and terms so far, but it sounds AWESOME!!! when your done writting are you gonna publish it? - cresentwings

  2. I don't think so I will. I have other stories that I might want to publish instead or make a shorter version of this one.

  3. did you basically take the undertaker from kuroshitsuji/black butler and put him in your story?

  4. No, well just the appearance. The personality is different.

  5. The personality of the undertaker seems similar to the one in black butler *raises eyebrows*
    but i have only read the first chapter, so...maybe there are differences i haven't read yet.
    The story so far is interesting though. Nice work.

  6. There are differences, not to worry. Because he's a secondary character it might take a while. Maybe I should have a chapter devoted to him. I just need to think about a good place to put it.


  7. hi, somehow i stumbled across your website and think it's pretty cool. i've only read about the characters and the first chapter- but am drawn to the tale already. you have a lucky imagination and i will definitely read on. i love to write too. you should post other stories as well. good luck

  8. Well, I'm glad that you got here somehow whether it be whether it be by a cyber tornado or what ever. XD I hope you enjoy your time here at Insanity.


  9. thanx. why'd u name it insanity?

  10. Everyone in the story is either a little crazy or downright insane. XD That's why.


  11. You're stories are awesome and I've only read up to the second chapter! You said you might not publish these but publish other stories of yours right? Well I think you should seriously consider publishing the Insanity series - it has potential to become a bestseller!

  12. Really? I feel that the chapters are a little to choppy for a story. But we'll see?


  13. Trust me, these would make great books; they're better than some award winning books I've read. You are a truly awesome writer! I've read up to Chapter 5 now and the story keeps getting better.
    (I signed up now too so I can suscribe - yay!)

  14. Yeah, well see! I'd have to think up a new plot because if I did publish this story would come down because I do need to make money when its published! lol! But not to worry if I do publish an Insanity based story it will have a different plot!


  15. I think the real charm of this story/series is in this lovely fantasy world that you've created and all the unashamedly insane charachters on this page. I've only read a little bit but I ove italready. I love writing but I'm gonna need to do more of it if I'm ever going to get as good as you

  16. *blush* Awww thanks. But I'm sure that you are good at writing too! It's all in the eye of the least I think that's how the saying goes. lol XD


  17. Well, i you do end up publishing, the chapters (such as Operation: Fang) that are in multiple parts should/would become one.
    But from what I've read (up to Ch. 40! I'd of commented earlier but I didn't know I could) this story has a plot that can be made book worthy. This whole save the world/world of others can go far. Really look into publishing this. It could inspire so many people. It's what I'm gonna keep in mind when I finally start putting things up online (I'm to young to do so).
    Love you, Hero!

  18. I'll think about it! Thanks!


  19. No prob! I just find it so easy to get sucked into a chapter or spin-off that I've already read a million times. You're a really talented and girted writer.

  20. Horse and wolf crazy girlJanuary 4, 2012 at 2:59 PM

    I think you should publish this too. It's so good I don't ever want to stop reading it. I've have gotten up chapter 41 and waiting for 42. I can't wait till its posted. You are such a good writer, but I did see a few grammer mistakes here and there. I still love it!!! I wish I could print it off so I won't need a computer to read, but if I did that my parents would kill me; in a matter of speaking at least. I would have written this earlier but I didn't know that we could. Ahh the time; I gotta go. I have horseback lessons to go to. Thanks for posting this story, and I'll be waiting patiently for chapter 42.

  21. Well HWCG, (can I call you that?) thanks for the compliment. X3 btw, if you go to school you could just print it off there or at a library. School = free, library = 10 or so cents a copy. I'm typing as fast as I can. It might be a while can be a pain. Happy reading!


  22. Horse and wolf crazy girlJanuary 24, 2012 at 8:12 AM

    Alright I give what does HWCG mean? Thanks for the tip but I don't think my school would be very happy with me it I did that. The part about school being a pain; I know exactly what you mean.

  23. HWCG means Horse and wolf crazy girl XD!


  24. Horse and wolf crazy girlFebruary 22, 2012 at 9:21 AM

    Oh right, sorry I don't text at all sooo yeah.

  25. I told myself to be patient while waiting for chapter 42, but I'm going nuts wondering what's going to happen. Please if you can update on you progress or type faster. I know I sound like a jerk for saying that, but oh I feel like its been longer than a few months.
    P.S. this is horse and wolf crazy girl i just decided to shorten the name

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