Iridescent Chapters

Welcome Readers,

     Ever wonder what happened after the Tower fell or what happened to Zara's team in that time frame? Wondering what happened to Amber after she fell from the helicopter into her brothers arm? Are there parts that don't make much sense near the end and you feel like you're missing something. No need to fear! Iridescent is here!

     This is a short story, hopefully, about what happened on the Island after the Tower fell. It about Zara's team in a post apocalypse Island, their struggle to get to the mainland and Chaud's methods to protect his sister from Hunters hired by the New Order.

     Fang, Shadow, and Puppetmaster make an appearance along with a few new characters. What roll do they play in this story? Read on and find out!

The Author,     

Happy Readings!
Click on the link to go to the chapter!

Island ~ Map
~A Map of the Island!

Iridescent ~ Characters
~List of Iridescent Charaters, Terms, and Places!

Chapter One ~ Waking Up
~Here we go again!

Chapter Two ~ Big Brother
~Big Brother is watching her.

Chapter Three ~ Spiders and Butterflies
~New characters are always fun!

Chapter Four ~ The Mountains and the Fields
~And everything in between.

Chapter Five ~ Scarecrow
~No, we aren't in Kansas anymore...and yes, I went there.

Chapter Six ~ A Girl and her Dog
~Miwa! The best minor character around!

Chapter Seven ~ Rock...Paper...Scissors...Kew!
~The ultimate deciding factor...

Chapter Eight ~ Fail Safe
~We thought through everything right?

Chapter Nine ~ Mysterious Friend
~Mysteries unfold!

Chapter Ten ~ The Hunters
~I decided to pull in some characters from another story line.

Chapter Eleven ~ The Hunted
~Will Chaud keep his sister safe?

Chapter Twelve ~ Friends are Friends
~If you can count the number of good friends in your life then you are truly blessed.

Chapter Thirteen ~ Copycat!
~Amber is a copycat!

Chapter Fourteen ~ Travelers
~On the road again! I can't wait to get on the road again! I can't wait to get on the road!

Chapter Fifteen ~ Every Day's a Saturday!
~What day is it? Is it Saturday yet?

Chapter Sixteen ~ Reaper
~Shuppet is not so much a puppet anymore...

Chapter Seventeen ~ Tapetum Lucidum
~That's the glowy part of a cats eye.

Chapter Eighteen ~ Reality - Part 1
~The Hunters caught up again! What will Chaud and Vicky do?!?

Chapter Nineteen ~ Reality - Part 2
~What is the reality of this situation? Are you really useless, Chaud?

Chapter Twenty ~ Tempi's Temper
~Another new character for you all to love...or hate...either way...

Chapter Twenty-One ~ Private Meetings
~Shhhhhh! It's a secret!

Chapter Twenty-Two ~ Serenade of the Stars
~Have you seen the Milky Way with no light pollution? It's amazing!

Chapter Twenty-Three ~ Medical Leave
~Dr. Jekyll is a great doctor but a horrible person to go to to make you feel good.

Chapter Twenty-Four ~ The Great Oasis
~Pineapples or peaches? Which is your favorite?

Chapter Twenty-Five ~ Winds of Change
~The winds are a-changin'!

Chapter Twenty-Six ~ Food Groups
~There are two food groups: cheese and everything else!

Chapter Twenty-Seven ~ Game
~Let the games begin!!

Chapter Twenty-Eight ~ Set
~Things are coming to a head!

Chapter Twenty-Nine ~ Match
~The Epic Conclusion!

Chapter Thirty ~ Leavin'
~Hopin' to be back again!

~The End~

Thanks for Reading!

~Undertaker and Blondesmoothie