
Welcome Reader,

These spin-off chapters are written with out any association to their respected saga. Other than the character names, everything may change. For example, their hair might be different, their age may change and the scenery might not be anywhere chose to the Island.

Either way, they are a fun read for anyone and for all ages. They don't come out on a regular basis, only on holidays or when ever I get around to it. Feel free to suggest any idea or send in your own! Happy readings and enjoy the spin-offs!

The Author,       


~ First Day of School - School
~ The Faulty Furnace - Halloween
~ You Love 'Em, You Hate 'Em - Thanksgiving
~ Happy 'Horror' Days - Christmas
~ Like Brothers Should Be - Brotherhood

The Turn

~ Mockingbird - Zara
~ Muternal Twins - Naru and Hina
~ The Midnight Train - Deontay
~ Wedding Day - Chaud and Zara


~ How to know you've played to many Video Games - Zara's Team + Wolves
~ Retirement - Zara's Team
~ Out of the Shadows - The Wolves

The Hunters

     +Just so we are on the same page!
Level 01
     +Green Eyes, Red Blood
Level 02
     +Yin Yang
Level 03
     +The Fallen Dhampir
Level 04
     +The Demon's Eye
Level 05
     +Dark Huntress 

~Undertaker and Blondsmoothie