If you have any questions yourselves, just sent them in or comment them.

About The Author:

Q: Are you a boy or a girl?
A: Wouldn't you love to know that?

Q: How old are you?
A: I'm 19. B-day is May 31!

About Insanity:

Q: Who is your favorite character and why?
A: Good question. Well, I like all of them. Can't I just...no...I can't...I have to choose one...*sigh* fine. I would have to say Blue (with Fang and Undertaker at a tie for a close second) because he is so simple. I made him very childlike and he doesn't say much but his personality really comes through. His past it ultra sad though, I almost cried making him. I just love how I made him I guess. He's turning out great.

Q: How did the story come to you?
A: My mom has always said that I was cursed with an overly imaginative brain. Like, when I'm dead would be the only time in my life i would stop. I've started about eight stories and have finished about...hmmm...none (don't worry I'll finish this one) and I have a billion more ideas bouncing around in my head. Sometimes I have trouble sleeping because my brain wont quit. So I was listening to music (not even kidding) and I heard one song and I was just like...vortex in to another universe...and I saw these characters. My brain slowly worked together how they would interact after that.

Q: How old are the main characters?
A: Fang is in his late 20's - early 30's.
Shadow is in his late 20's but he's not older than Fang, by all means.
Raven is in the 23 area.
Alister is 25 or 24, take your pick.
Arisa is 12.
Penelope is 21ish
Blue is 26ish or 25
Undertaker well, honestly I have no idea. He's old in a young way. He's definatly older than Fang, that much I know.

Q: Are you going to publish this story?
A: We'll, see. I feel that the chapters are to choppy for a real story. Maybe after some brainstorming and such I'll think of a new plot and publish that.

Q: Is Undertaker here the same as the Undertaker in Black Butler (Kuroshitsuji)?
A: Absolutely not. The appearance and the name may be similar but they are different. That is so not how I roll.

About The Turn:

Q: How far in the future does the story take place?
A: Honestly, I haven't though about the details to much. The other characters could still be alive but either way even if they were they're a black team and are paid to be invisible.

About the Website:

Q: Can I make Fan Art for your website?
A: Uh, Yeah! You can! If you want to you can send the picture to me when your done and I'll post it on the website. Although if I get to many I might not put them up right away. In fact, now that I think of it, I might change them regularly.


  1. I have a suggestion for you. Maybe you could make a spin off series about the characters lives before they joined the wolf walkers. Like the first book is about one character the next a different one. Tell me if you like this idea. Don't be afraid to say no.

  2. I think its a great idea! Actually I have a spin off thing going on with holidays. I already have a few written. I'm just waiting for the right time to post them!


  3. wat fang is almost thirty (i bearly started reading by the way )anyway wow what a shocker

  4. Yeah! He has to be the oldest so...yeah...haha!


  5. Has anyone ever tried to copy you? If so.. What did you do?

  6. I had this person copy me once for a different story. At first I asked the person to take down their post. When they didn't I contacted the website owners and notified them that someone copied my work. I sent them copies of my planing stages to prove it was mine and they took care of the problem.


  7. How did you put the fish game on one of the pages besides home?

  8. You can go to the AB on mine and it should be self explanatory :).


  9. Are any of your other stories online, and if so, where could I find them? Your story here is addicting.

  10. I don't have any other stories online right now. This was the first one that I thought to post. I might post another one if I feel like it. But I do need to get some of the stories published. :3


  11. A random and unexpected question: Shadow said Fang would say his manly emotions to him eventually, and Fang said "stay out of my way" yada yada. Was there something more than that?

    1. I'm sure that Fang wanted to say that he is glad that Shadow has been his right hand for all this time and that he hopes Shadow will always have his back. But he was just to annoyed at the moment to admit that he enjoyed Shadow's antics.


  12. How big is the Island? Like miles/kilom. ...and other possible measurements...

    1. ...um...good question. I did research and I'm thinking if all the islands of Hawaii were mushed together. So about 6423.4 square miles (16636.5 km2). I mean that seems like a good size...right?


  13. After i finished reading insanity i started working on a late a very late birthday present for you. sadly i am still working on it due to summer reading and other events in my summer. DX i cant wait for you to read it.....crud i basically just told you what it is but you dont know the plot so its still a surprise all you know is that it is a fanfic. (since your characters and stories are so inspirable to write about) If you dont like that im writing with ur characters then ill stop dont worry i havent posted anything anywhere its only meant to be sent to you through email other wise i hope you enjoy it when im done!! X3

    1. O.O *blush* You're making me a b-day present! Awwww! Oh, Megan! This is the best first-online-fan-given-late-birthday-gift I've ever gotten! I feel honored that you would use my characters! Also, if it isn't to long and if it would be alright with you, I could post it on the site! (Only if its alright with you!)

      :D Thank you very much, Megan! "Cool beans!" as my cousin exclaimed. I cant wait to read it!


    2. OHHH im so glad you want to read it and yes you can post it to the site. :D i am almost done with it i hope i get the characters personalitys and attitude right.

    3. LOL! You could make Fang bald with a beer gut and be as happy as a clam and I'd still love ya!


    4. XD i am almost done i might be able to give it to you by tomorrow sunday the latest. i just started my senior year of high school on wednesday so i havent had much ttime to work on it but do not fear i will compleate if it is the last thing i do :D

    5. oh and there is a bit of shadowXoc......ok theres a lot but hey he seems like the type that maybe if he got a companion he wouldnt annoy Fang to much. Though Fang may not like th end of their bromance you never know XD

    6. Lol! Take all the time you need! I know how senior year can be! Nearly killed me... Good luck!

      FunFacts about FangXShadow's bromance:

      1. It happened completely on accident, my hands overrided my brain and it just happened.
      2. I was really close to the point of making them a couple. But I decided on making all the ladies groan with disappointment. I should make a spin-off of those two.
      3. I think their relationship could work.


    7. there for a while i was wondering if you were going to put those two together. Almost done just gotta do a couple more paragraphs X3

    8. OMG!!!! I CAN'T WAIT!!! XD


    9. Im so sorry i lost my internet and microsoft word. I now just got it back TT.TT please forgive me for the wait it will be emailed to you soon i swear. TTTTT.TTTTT

    10. Don't worry about it! I get it! Remember the laptop fiasco of 2011....yeah, those were bad times. But it's fine! Still the best late birthday gift from a fan ever!


    11. thank you so much for understanding.

    12. What kind of author/writer would I be if I didn't understand the turmoils of other author/writers? :3


  14. a curious question as a writer do you ever find yourself going back to characters like you think about their story and who they are and almost feel compelled to write more?

    1. Of course! Many of those characters are in my stories here, actually. I'm currently writing a more in depth story about them right now.
