Thursday, April 4, 2013

The Turn: Chapter Thirty-One

The Turn
Chapter Thirty-One
~Clash of the Titans – Part 2~
Two Years Before The Turn

Zara was shaking. She couldn’t help it. Her breathing came out broken. All she could here was a piercing ringing in her ears. Her head was against the nape of Chaud’s neck. His arms were still around her protectively. Other than that, it was hard to tell if he was even alive.
Shocked, Zara looked around. There was an overturned pickup truck feet from her face. The wind blew smoke and white feathers into her eyes. There was the creaking sound of metal settling.
“Cha-ud,” Zara’s voice came out raspy and her throat was dry.
There was no answer. Zara closed her eyes.
“Chaud,” she tried to say more clearly.
“Mmm,” Chaud moaned, “I’m here.”
A wave of release washed over Zara. Every tense muscle in her body relaxed. Chaud coughed, a trickle of blood flowed down the side of his mouth.
He groaned in pain, “I think I broke a few ribs.”
Zara could almost laugh, “Sorry. I’d get up if I could. My body doesn’t seem to be working.”
Chaud smiled, “Then don’t. There’s no hurry. In our condition, we’d need a miracle to get to the airport.”
A breeze from above blew white feathers everywhere. Chaud looked up at the helicopter hovering overhead.
“Chaud?” Zara opened her eyes.
“Yeah,” Chaud answered.
Zara sighed, “I’m so tired.”
“Go ahead and rest then,” Chaud advised.
“You sure?” Zara’s eyes slowly became heavy.
Chaud coughed and closed his eyes, “I think we’ll be just fine.”

Shadow walked through the wreck. We whistled a tune as he walked around as if he were looking for something. He ended his tune suddenly when he saw something. With a smile he walked over to what had interested him.
Raven kicked open a car door and walked out. There was no telling how she ended up waking up in the back seat of a car. Once the convertible flipped, it felt like the rules of physics took over hard. She held her stomach in pain. Raven swore as she leaned against the car.
“Well, well,” Shadow walked up to her and smiled, “Good to see you alive and kicking.”
“What in the world were you thinking?!” Raven snapped at him.
Shadow decided to play dumb, “What on earth are you talking about?”
“You killed them! Who knows how many others you killed in the process! Ow!” Raven gripped her side.
“Here, let me look at that,” Shadow walked up to her.
Raven hit his hand away, “You’ve almost killed me once today! I’m not about to try my luck!”
Shadow went for her wound anyway, “Keep still. I do this for Fang all the time. And besides, those two are fine. A few broken bones maybe but they are just fine.”
“Oh? And how do you know?” Raven glared at him.
“I just came from where they landed,” Shadow smiled, “The boy was holding her pretty tightly. If I didn’t know any better, I’d say there might be something between those two.”
“You left them?” Raven wasn’t going to let Shadow get away with the fact he almost killed their target, “What if they go through shock and die? I hope Fang has you head for this stunt.”
“That should do it,” Shadow said as he pulled away from her wound.
Raven was fuming, “Have you been listening?”
“Those feathers really are beautiful,” Shadow stated, “It might take a while for his wings to heal though.”
“Wha-?!” Raven looked down at her wound.
Shadow had wrapped her wound with a piece of cloth and pinned it with one of the feathers that were blowing around. Raven looked up at Shadow. He held another feather and was twirling it underneath his nose. Slowly he looked up as the wind started to pick up and smiled. The helicopter hovered overhead and a Tower Med-Flight decloaked and hovered in the air.
“Well, here comes the cavalry,” he stated.
Raven boiled over, “Are you freaking INSANE!?”

Fang swerved to the right. The glass on the right side of the windshield cracked. Arisa squeaked and drew closer to Lumin. Fang swore under his breath. The kid with the sniper was good at his aim. Fang was even having trouble looking into the future. His good vision was the only think keeping the people in the car alive at this point. Fang looked at Alister as he popped back in to reload his weapons. He glanced ahead and sighed.
“We ain’t going to stop ‘em before the airport, are we?” Alister commented.
“Just get back out there,” Fang muttered. He looked over his shoulder, “Arisa, I need you now.”
Arisa looked unsure but did as she was told. She rolled down the window and made her way onto the roof. Lumin sat still. His concern was still too obvious on his face.
Can I please be out there with her?
Even if Lumin had resumed talking there were moments when his words were on his face. Fang had always been the best at reading Lumin, after Arisa that is.
“Stay low,” Fang permitted, “I’ll need you later.”
Lumin nodded and opened the window.
Naru reloaded his gun and watched the goings on in the other car.
“How much ammo do we have left?” Hina asked.
Naru barely looked down, “I’m on my last clip. There’s enough of everything else though.”
“We need to save that for when we’re on the airstrip,” Hina was talking more to herself than to her brother, “Time?”
“36-50,” Naru aimed.
“36-51,” Hina counted, “Thanks. Keep them busy.”
Alister fired a hand gun that he carried. Naru fired a single shot. Naru’s bullet struck the Alister’s lead bullet causing it to tilt a certain way. That caused a chain reaction that stopped all of Alister’s bullets but Naru’s sailed through the chaos without trouble. Alister gripped the side of his face. He looked at his hand and glared at the boy.
Alister slid back into the car, “Do ya see what ‘e did to me?”
Fang glanced. A thin, straight line of blood lined his face. The bulled had grazed him.
“Be glad he missed,” Fang stated.
Alister smiled, “He didn’t miss. I’m gonna teach ‘at kid not ta mess wid me!”
Fang held him down, “Let Arisa do it.”
Alister looked at him, “But—”
Fang glared at him. Alister sat and crossed his arms. Up above, Arisa climbed up onto the roof of the car. She stayed on her hands and knees. Her hair, it was tied into two long ponytails, blew back in the wind.
Naru sat up a bit with curiosity. If they think that sending out a girl was going to make him stop firing at them, they were sorely mistaken. He decided to fire a warning shot.
Though the bullet was nowhere near her, Arisa ducked down with her hands above her head. She opened one eye and looked ahead. When she felt safe again she sat up. She brought a finger to her lips and blew. A stream of fire careened toward the small jeep.
Hina’s eyes widened as she looked in the rear view mirror. She swerved to the left. The sudden movement threw Naru down on the back seat.
“Chaud was right when he said that they won’t hesitate to use their powers,” Hina muttered.
“No problem,” Naru got up.
The two cars were side by side with a lane between them.
Arisa waved at Naru and smiled. She brought her finger to her lips again and blew. Naru looked quickly at the man sitting out the window. The fire blew toward him. Naru put his palm out and crated a water barrier.
However, the barrier didn’t hold. It vanished as fast as Naru had put it up. He ducked down instead as the flames passed overhead. Naru sighed. It was never fun going against someone with your type or powers. At that point it was about who was the most skilled.
Naru grabbed a water bottle from one of the bags and opened it. He manipulated it out of the bottle and stood again. The water wrapped around his arm as he pointed at the opposing car. Lumin twisted his hand and made the water turn back to Naru. The water ended up taking the form of an orb.
Arisa was getting ready to attack again when Naru formed a needle out of ice. He threw it through the orb. It was practically invisible as it slid through the orb. Naru was so fast that Lumin could barely to his movement.
“Aah!” Arisa cried.
An ice needle struck her in the arm. Lumin threw his hand out and the orb grew spikes. Naru did the same and a fanged snake lunched at Lumin. Hina looked over her shoulder and turned left. Naru fell back and the orb was broke. She drove through the railing and kept driving.
“What the heck was that!?” Naru asked.
“We don’t have time for your ego battle! We’re almost there!” Hina yelled back.
“Fine,” Naru looked back at the car.
They drove toward the gated airport tarmac. Lumin looked up at Arisa and helped her back inside.
“It hurts,” Arisa complained.
“Hold on,” Fang stated.
He followed Hina, crashing through the railing. There was no way they were about to get away from him. Once on the scent, a wolf doesn’t stop hunting his prey.


  1. It's hard because in some ways you want the Wolves to win but you also want Zara's gang to win at the same time xD

    1. Lol! Yeah! It's quite the dilemma!

