Saturday, April 20, 2013

The Turn: Chapter Thirty-Nine

The Turn
Chapter Thirty-Nine
~Wake of Devastation~
One Year Before The Turn

“Father!” Kaiba walked into the Mission’s room. He looked around the room and saw his father lying on the ground. Sirius tried to get to his feet when Kaiba came and assisted him, “Are you alright?”
Sirius looked around. Several Agents were sprawled on the ground and at their desks. Sirius got to his feet and looked at Kaiba, “What happened?”
Kaiba looked out the window, “It looks like Fang and Zara’s teams were able to do some damage. However, the enemy seems to have access Silver Void. No one seems to be able to use their powers.”
“We have to evacuate the Tower,” Sirius stated.
“Evacuations have already started,” as he said that Agents came it and started helping the others in the room to their feet. “You and I need to get off the Island. Mother and Amber are already headed to the helicopter. Lynx is waiting in the car downstairs.”
“We can’t just leave,” Sirius said.
“Well, we can’t stay here and risk getting caught,” Kaiba tried to get his father to the door, “You know we have to. It’s the policy if the Island is compromised. And if you haven’t noticed, the Island is all sorts of compromised.”
Sirius thought a moment before nodding. Kaiba led his father down from the Tower. They walked out of the building and met with Lynx. Lynx leaned against a black car. He walked up to Kaiba and Sirius when he saw them come out of the building. Several other people ran out away from the Tower as well.
“Is he alright?” Lynx asked.
Kaiba nodded, “He got caught up in the Silver Void radiation like everyone else. Help him into the car.”
“Right,” Lynx helped his father into the car.
Kaiba got into the driver’s seat as Lynx sat in the back. Sirius looked out the passenger window. He closed his eyes as he thought about all that went into the Tower. When he opened his eyes, Kaiba started the car and drove away from the Tower. He sighed; his eyes looked sad and remorseful. The Tower was lost as Agents evacuated the floors.
All over the Island there were explosions as missiles and bullets smashed into buildings. The streets were blocked with rubble and Kaiba had to maneuver his way towards their destination. Sirius simply looked out the window, saddened by the Island’s predicament. Kaiba pulled out his cell phone and made a call.

Chaud gasped for breath as he broke through the water. He reached up and grabbed a concrete ledge. Chaud pulled himself onto dry ground as he coughed up water and collapsed onto his back. He heard explosions in the distance as he watched missiles sail above him in the sky. Chaud sighed once he was able to breathe normally.
He wasn’t sure what happened exactly but one second he was flying and then the next second he was falling from the sky. The impact with the water knocked the wind out of him. It didn’t help that he was several feet underwater and couldn’t breathe. He had almost passed out before be broke the surface of the water. Chaud thanked his Agent training.
Chaud lay still. He felt empty like something was taken from inside of him. There was a ringing in his pocket. Chaud grabbed for the phone and looked at in.
“Seriously?” he stated. He brought the phone to his ear and answered it, “Hello?”
“Get to the evacuation point,” Kaiba said.
Chaud paused, “Now?”
Kaiba hung up. Chaud put the phone down and got to his feet.

Hina pushed a wooden board off of her person. She looked around through the dust that was settling. Hina saw her brother lying on the ground a little ways away. She ran toward him and crouched by his side.
“Naru!” she cried, “Are you alright? Naru!”
“Ow,” Naru groaned. He shifted and got to his knees.
A building collapsed behind them after being damaged from a missile blast. Hina grabbed her brother by the arm and pulled him out of the way just before a block of concrete crashed down where they were. She looked back at the pile of rubble. Hina helped her brother to her feet.
“Come on,” Hina said as she pulled him through the city.
“Where are we going?” Naru said.
Hina looked at him, “Away from here. Come on!”
Naru followed her away from the docks.

Fang climbed up onto a half broken dock. He staggered to his feet. When he looked up he saw Shadow standing on the other end of the dock. Shadow smiled and walked toward Fang.
“Well, well, look what the tide pulled in?” Shadow laughed.
“I’m going to kill you,” Fang stated. He looked around, “Where are the others?”
Shadow shrugged, “Who really knows. Things are going to the dogs now.”
Fang looked around. The airship was making quick work of the Island. Smoke billowed from several parts in the city. Missile trails decorated the sky and reflected the setting sun. Oranges, reds and bright yellows painted the sky. Fang looked back at the city.
“Come on,” Fang walked passed Shadow, “We have more work to do.”
Shadow looked interested, “We have work? What are we going to do?”
Fang looked over his shoulder, “Look around. Someone has to put order the chaos.”
Shadow shrugged, “This might be fun.”
Fang walked off, “Stop lagging behind. I’ll leave you if you can’t keep up!”
“Awe,” Shadow laughed as he walked after Fang, “You couldn’t leave me and you know it!”

Sirius got out of the car and looked back at the Island. He understood the reason he had to disappear and yet he didn’t feel like he could. The Island needed him and he would be nowhere to be found. Kaiba got out of the driver’s seat and walked toward the awaiting helicopter. He turned and looked at his father.
Amber ran after toward her adopted father. She threw her arms around his leg. He got her attention and he looked down at her and smiled.
“Sirius,” his wife called from the helicopter.
He nodded and walked toward them. Lynx followed close behind. Sirius waited as the members of his family piled into the helicopter. He noticed that Chaud was still missing and stood outside.
Chaud walked up. He smiled at his dad as he approached. Sirius hugged his son tightly.
“It’s good to see you are still alive,” Sirius sighed.
Chaud hugged him back, “I’ve had several close shaves.”
Sirius released his son and looked in his eyes. His shoulders dropped as he looked deep into his son’s eyes.
“You aren’t coming, are you?” Sirius sighed.
Chaud shrugged, “I don’t think I could leave my friends here by themselves.”
Sirius shook his head, “Your mother is going to kill me you know. Make sure we see you again.”
Chaud stood at attention and saluted, “Yes, sir.”
Sirius climbed into the helicopter. The blades started up and Amber neared the opened door and looked out at her brother. The helicopter started to rise. An explosion detonated near the helicopter. In order to avoid the explosion, the pilot turned suddenly. Amber lost her balance and fell out. Mrs. Galaxy lunched to try to save her daughter. Her reach was just short and Amber fell into open air.
Chaud lunged and used himself as a buffer and caught his sister. The helicopter flew away leaving the two siblings together.

Zara woke up on a piece of driftwood. She was temporarily confused as looked up at the sky. As she tried to move around she realized that she was surrounded by water. She looked up and saw the looming airship directly above her.  Zara looked back at the Island. Her shoulders fell when she saw the damage and the smoke.
She heard the laser cannons above her charging. The lasers struck the Tower. A numb feeling came over Zara’s body.
“No!” she shouted as the tall monumental building collapsed and fell.
Black smoke rose from around the base of the Tower. The Tower was gone. The Island was destroyed and the Tower was defeated. Only ash, fire and rubble remained of the unstoppable Tower.


  1. is this possible?! :O

    1. I know, I know. It's okay. I understand how you feel! Just breathe...breathe...

