Monday, April 15, 2013

April Updates

Hello Readers,

I am so proud to announce that The Turn is back! I guess I just needed some distance. So there is a lot to talk about this month. Lots of stuff jumping around in my head! Alright, I'm here with my tea and let's get down to business. Let's see, there is The Turn, Iridescent, Radioactive, The Hunters, maps and Disney Princesses. Yeah, Disney Princesses, you read that right. Let's get started!

The Turn is Back!

If you haven't noticed by now I've started writing on The Turn again. I actually expect to finish it off soon and I will be posting chapters every few days now. I really am happy that I found what I was looking for. I'm not sure what it was, inspiration, a new idea or what, but the point is is that I'm back!

I am still so sorry about putting it and Radioactive on hold. I really think writing two things at once is bad for my health or something. So I tried my hand at The Turn alone and it seems to be doing well! Either way, so exited to be finishing off the series!

I hope its turning out to your liking! Ha, ha! The Turn will finish up by the end of this month.

A The Turn Mini Sequel

I've been thinking of writing a mini sequel of The Turn featuring what Zara and her team went through on the Island after the Tower fell. I just wanted to do something before I got on with Radioactive if that is alright. I don't expect it to be really long but who knows...I wasn't expecting The Turn to be this long but hey.

While this mini sequel, Iridescent, will also be about Chaud's little sister Amber and her powers.

So basically the plot summery is after the New Order devastated the Island and set up power inhibitors, everything goes to hell. There is a blue liquid that is practically gold in the post-apocalyptic Island setting. The liquid basically gives you your powers back for a short time. While Zara and the others are separated, they all have the same goal of leaving the island and getting to America to deal with the New Order. The question is how to do that?

Fang, Shadow and Puppetmaster, are back for those who care. I want to use Puppetmaster's abilities more in this mini sequel. The first chapter comes out May 1st!

But that's what I'm thinking, what do you think? Is there anything you want to see in the series that I might add? Comment or email me!

Radioactive still on the Back burner

Yeah, I think I mentioned this somewhere but Radioactive is still going to be on hold until I finish the mini sequel. It's not that I hate Radioactive its just writing more than one thing at a time seems to suck the creativeness out of me. So if you want my best, you will have to wait. Sorry.

It will be worth the wait though, promise!

Where are The Hunters?

I put them in the Spin-off section. I don't know what I'm going to do with them. Maybe I'll continue them, maybe not. They don't have anything to do with my Insanity universe. But we'll see. They are there in the Spin-offs if you haven't found them already.

We'll see what happens.

Finding Direction!

You guys wont believe it! I drew a map! A MAP OF THE ISLAND! I don't know who suggested it, or maybe it was the voices in my head....hmm...either way I drew one! I don't know why it took so long for me to draw one. BUT ITS HERE! Here is a link: Map!

I will be adding it to the beginning of each story too!

Oh, and for future locations I might not make another one until there are like a lot of new locations. So you can use the map to figure out kind of where I'm talking about if you are a more visual reader! Or if you have questions about a location feel free to ask anytime!

Not so Happily Ever After

So this Youtuber named Paint made a Disney Parody basically putting a realistic twist to popular Disney stories. It's hilarious! Just thought I'd share it with you!

Thanks for reading!


Questions? Comments? Complaints? Suggestions? Just want to talk? Want a hug? Just comment!


  1. I'm glad you have inspiration for The Turn again! I think it's a great series.

    That video was very interesting! xD

    1. Yeah, I'm glad too! I'll get to Radioactive also eventually too!


  2. I was litterally listening to this song when I read this. Lol.
