Thursday, November 29, 2012

Question About Airships

This has nothing to do with any of the stories that I am posting on Insanity Storiz but its for something else. See, I have this dilemma. In this story that I hope will one day be published there is this air ship. 

(You know, like floating ships.)

The thing is....I dont know all that much about boats. Well, I guess determining the size would be more specific. I drew out this really cool looking air craft but then I was like "So how many feet/meters is it?" and I couldn't answer that.

I mean it isn't the largest vessel in the world. Its small but not to small. There will be five people living on it at once so it cant be puny. 

So I'm gonna show you a picture and you just tell me what you see.
Now I'm not saying I'm the best free hand drawer ever so don't chew me out.
Just some questions to bare in mind while you look at it:

How big do you think it is?
Is there something I (the artist) could do better?
Can watermelons spontaneously fall from the sky?

o.o Well... there it is... please comment below.


  1. That's actually a pretty good drawing, and it looks like a steampunk airship thing:p If it were for five people and not too big or small, I'd say it'd be maybe about 100ft long. That would give them just enough living room, I think. It also depends on the kind of ship.
    Also, I have never had a watermelon fall on my head from the sky so I don't think that's possible. Sorry for being so long-winded here.:)

    1. Lol! Thanks! I'm glad that a watermelon hasn't fallen on your head. I'm fairly certain that it would hurt. And don't worry about the length! I love reading comments, long or short!

      Thanks for the feed back!

