Friday, July 20, 2012

A Tragedy in Aurora

Dear Readers,

If you have been paying attention to the news there has been a tragedy in Aurora, Colorado. A gun man walked into a theater and shot at the crowd. Twelve people have died and even more are injured. The man who did it has been caught and brought into custody but he has left a wave of death behind him.

I am praying for the victims and the families of the people who have lost their lives. Also for the family of the gunman, I can't imagine what they must be going through as well.

I just want whoever reads this to thing about the families that have had to go through this horrible nightmare. If you want more information you can follow this link.

Let's be with the people of Aurora in thoughts and prayers.

Thank you,


  1. I think i saw that on the news too. It's so sad, i couldn't imagine if that happened to me and my family.

    1. Yeah, my friends and I went to a movie theater in another city and were like 'what if that happened to us'.

