Monday, May 28, 2012

Maybe Some Changes

Let's talk:

Ok, so the next chapter should be up by the end of finals! In the mean time, I'm writing, making a new logo, thinking about getting a new website and starting to think up a knew story.

So yeah, I haven't forgotten about you! Took me a little longer in reading with all this stupid last minute homework crap. I'm writing and as I said it should be up soon.

I'm creating a new Insanity logo. His name is Loki and I hope to be done with him soon. He's really cute. Well I think he that really is all that maters.

Now! The new website idea! I've been thinking about it for a while but school has been sapping the energy out of me. But now that summer is around the corner it would allow me more time! Fun!

Alright, I have been writing a lot of stories over the past few years. I was thinking of maybe posting more of them. I'm still on the fence about it but we'll see.

In the long run, how do ya'll feel about the changes I've posted. I would love opinions!

-Happy Readings,

P.S. Any good website maker websites out there?


  1. This is where you get to make comments...yeah...what do you guys think?

    1. you mean 'Loki' as in the Avengers? (I swear to a God not every one believes in, I've seen to much of them and to much crap about Norse gods that is so disrespectful)

      And please don't leave us!!!! :'(


    2. Oh no not the god but he's a wolf, bird, book....thing....

      im getting there. hopefully you can see him soon :3

  2. I love it! You know my blog Wolves of the Shadow? (most likely forgotten) Well, I stopped posting cause of too much homework. But then on a weekend I tried to start up again and... I got stuck. I think I have become a better writer since then. So, I'm gonna post my new story I started on there and keep trying to get unstuck. Check it out cause the first chapter will be up soon! And why in the world would people stop reading your story!?

    1. I don't know why people would stop reading but who knows! X3

  3. is a pretty good website for making websites... Not sure if that's the correct way of saying that... Anyway! Evidently, you're a great writer, and I'm sure many people would read any other stories you post (I would be one of those people). And those changes do seem like good ideas, too:D

  4. i like the changes and i would love to read your new story but i want to see insanity come to a satisfying ending first
