Friday, July 26, 2013

Radioactive: Chapter Eight

Chapter Eight
~Welcome to the Circus~

A hush fell over the crowd as the spotlights fell on the center of the ring. A woman in scarlet red posed in the center, a red top hat covered her eyes just above a large red lipstick smile. She waited a beat before cracking her whip and whisking her hat off her head. Arms outstretched she welcomed the crowd. The scarlet ringmaster already captivated the crowd.
“Ladies and Gentlemen!” her voice carried without any need for a microphone, “Children of all ages! The circus is about to begin! Welcome,” she paused for effect, “to the Greatest Show on Earth!”
She cracked her whip and the music from the band picked up. Lights shown on the upper rafters reviling the three trapezing sisters stood and waved on one of the platforms. On the others platform was another group of tight walkers. The elephants entered from one side and walked across to the exit on the other side. A pair of clowns ran back and forth in an exaggerated game of tag. There even was a man in a motorized little train filled with trained dogs in the other train cars. The ringmaster stepped forward toward the crowd.
“We have just a fabulous show for you today! A show of wonder and amazement, of laughter and joy! I present to you…the Island Circus!”
With a crack of her whip she disappeared in a cloud of smoke. As the introduction continued, there could be singing heard. Behind the preforming stage, behind the curtains the ring master walked through the different nooks and crannies. Different performers looked up from their warm ups and got out of her way. She looked different off stage. Her smile gave way to a serious scowl. She grabbed someone’s wrist and looked at their watch. The introduction lasted about five minutes. She had that long before she needed to be back out on the ring.
The ringmaster walked out of the main tent and toward the animal cages. Usually the cages were open for viewing but there was now a sign that said that the cages were closed for cleaning. A big man stood guard and got out of her way. The lions and tigers all stood up and walked toward her as far as the bars would let them. with a crack of her whip they retreated sensing she had other business to deal with besides them.
Near the end of the row of cages, there was an empty one. A woman clad in blue with a blue top hat turned to see the ringmaster approaching. Several other performers who weren’t scheduled to perform that month were standing around as well. The scarlet ringmaster cracked her whip and the crowd of people slowly began to scatter. They stayed within eye sight as to see what was going to happen next.
The ringmaster looked into the cage and saw the two people tied up inside. “What the heck is going on here? We have an honest business to run and I don’t have time for this nonsense. Narumi!”
The girl in blue stood up straight, “Reba, they were found wondering around in our camp!”
“Walking around like they owned the place, they did,” her partner, a boy with shaggy red hair walked up and smiled, “Going around saying they just wanted to talk to the Master.”
The ringmaster placed her hands on her hips and looked at two tied up in the cage. They were blindfolded and gaged. She looked back at Narumi and her partner.
“Give it here, Kotei,” she said with her hand out.
Kotei looked shocked, “I haven’t a clue what you are talking about!”
The ringmaster sighed with annoyance, “Narumi! Fill in for me! The introduction should be finished any second now! And for Pete’s sake Kotei, give me her wallet!”
“Yes, Ringmaster!” Narumi saluted and ran off in the direction of the main tent.
Kotei sighed and rolled his eyes, “Fine.” He reached into his pocket and gave up the wallet, “Can I keep the cash?”
“Was there any?” the ringmaster asked him.
“Kotei smiled, “No.”
“Well, you can’t return something that wasn’t there,” she pointed to one side, “Fine then. Now open the cage!”
Kotei opened the gate. The ringmaster let herself in and looked down at the two tied up prisoners. She looked to Kotei.
“Take off their blindfolds and gags,” she instructed.
Kotei did as he was told. He took off Kiri’s blind fold first. She recognized him from when he had bumped into her. Her brow furrowed into a scowl in the face of his smiling. After that, Kotei took off Kaiba’s blindfold and gag.
“I told you to keep track of your wallet,” Kaiba muttered.
Kiri turned her head, “Can we not talk about it?”
The ringmaster cracked her whip, “I happen to agree. Let’s get down business shall we? What do you want with the Master?”
“I never said that we were looking for any ‘Master’,” Kaiba said, “But I did say we were looking for a black wagon. I can only assume that this ‘Master’ lives in the black wagon we were told about.”
“We just want to ask a few questions,” Kiri stated.
The ringmaster leaned forward, “Well, he’s a busy man. If you Tower idiots even thought to call first and make an appointment I’m sure we would be more accommodating. But instead you walk into our home violating our personal space. Even five-year-olds have more sense than you.”
“You hear that?” Kotei smiled, “Even the kids around here don’t go running off to the wagons.”
“Shut up, Kotei!” the ringmaster shouted.
She paused and looked up. A man stood at the entrance to the gate. He wore a grey coat over his black shirt. His white hair fell on his shoulders from under his grey hat. On a strand of braided hair was a purple sphere. In his arm was a doll crafted to his likeness. Though it had no eyes it had shallow indentations of where the eyes would be. Its head was larger than its body.
The man looked at the scene with his purple eyes. He smiled and looked at the ringmaster, “What is going on here, Reba? Everyone seemed very excited for some reason so I decided to check things out for myself. Why do we have these two people tied up in the tiger’s cage?”
“Puppetmaster!” Reba stood up straight, “I didn’t realize that you were standing there.”
Puppetmaster walked in, “It’s alright; I’ll just invite myself to this encounter.” He crouched in front of Kaiba, “Hello. You’re that Kaiba kid aren’t you? Sirius’s son, right?”
“I assume you’re the one who lives in the black wagon,” Kaiba said.
Puppetmaster nodded, “I am.”
“Do you know anything about mutants?” Kaiba asked.
Puppetmaster smiled, “I think about three-fourths of the Island are mutants, unless I’m mistaken.”
“No, I’m talking about mutated others,” Kaiba explained, “There’s a case where there are creatures that strongly resemble humans but are different on a cellular level. Their appearance is different and their behaviors. I was told by a mutual friend that you might be able to help.”
Puppetmaster placed a hand to his mouth with thought, “Hmm, interesting. Sounds like you have an interesting predicament. Quite honestly, I haven’t any information to give you. Have you tried tracking down where these people came from?”
“Is that all?” Kaiba said.
Puppetmaster looked down at the puppet in his arms, “What was that? Oh, yes! I almost forgot.” He looked up at Kaiba again, “If you’re seeing genetic changes, you might be dealing with an Other who is turning humans into Others because of something they went through.”
Kaiba nodded slowly. It was an interesting thought. Puppetmaster looked up at Kotei and motioned to the ties that bound Kaiba and Kiri. Kotei untied the two hostages and allowed them to get up to their feet. Kiri got to her feet herself, even as she was offered a hand by Kotei. She looked at Reba. Reba had her hands on her hips. Kaiba straightened out his shirt and coat. He looked at Puppetmaster.
“Thank you for meeting with us,” Kaiba said.
Puppetmaster smiled, “Be sure to stop by anytime.”
Kaiba turned to Kiri and motioned for her to follow him, “Come on. We’re leaving.”
Kiri turned and followed Kaiba out of the cage. She stopped a moment to say hello to Puppetmaster then ran after Kaiba. Puppetmaster looked after them and smiled. Reba walked up to him and narrowed her eyes.
“You’re just going to let them go?” Reba asked.
“Yep,” Puppetmaster nodded.
Reba shook her head, “You’re too much, you know.”
“Thank you,” Puppetmaster said, “Well; we should get back to running this circus, shouldn’t we?”
“I agree,” Reba walked out of the cage, “I hope you’ll actually do some work today.”
Puppetmaster shook his head, “Don’t I always?”

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