Sunday, June 16, 2013

June Updates

Dear Readers,

How are you enjoying summer, guys!? Going great? Now, I just want to be clear that I don't want to be the reason you guys are staying indoors all summer long. Get outside and do stuff! Buuuuuuut, since you all have some time in your busy outdoorsy schedule why not read the updates I have for you today! Huh? Huh? The favorite topics today are Iridescent, Radioactive, more spin-offs, summer, and the video of the month. Let's get right in, shall we?


Remember when I said this was going to be short...well, funny kinda turns out I lied. ON ACCIDENT! But I still lied. So I apologize. You see I was thinking that it was going to be short like 15 chapters or something at most, kept going...and the Energizer Bunny. Now its more like 28-30 chapters. Is that okay? I mean technically it is shorter than the other ones...

Wasn't there that one story...?

Yes, yes, I'll get to that soon. Keep your socks on! When I start the Radioactive series again I'll be reposing the earlier chapters to buy me some time to write more. I can defiantly see me restarting the series by July 1st or so (not a promise it is a projection). I am looking forward to finishing that one off too!

Short stories!

I have also written more Spin-off stories if you are interested. I have received a few requests that I am trying to catching up on. If there is something that you would like to request, email or comment!

School's Out!

Yes! You have done it! You have beat the system and have survived another year! What are your plans after another grueling year of school? I don't know! Tell me! Hopefully reading Insanity Storiz is on your list of things to do.

I understand that during the summer months that there are a lot of people looking for something to do with themselves after school has ended. I welcome my summer audience and hope that you all have a good time here at Insanity Storiz!

What we do here (by 'we' I mean 'I' mostly) is that I just post chapters to stories that are popping around in my head. Some are good, some are okay, some might even be terrible but here it all is! I hope you enjoy my storytelling. I try to post frequently. I auto post every other day as long as I have content. I will always tell you if I will be on a hiatus for any reason. 

Feel free to comment or email me your opinions anytime, I am open to criticism. It is because of people like you that make me better at writing! See you around!

Sayeth Whaaaaaat!?

How Iron Man 3 Should Have Ended. The only reason I posted this is purely because of Thor. I have to share Thor. (You'll understand in a minute) It's funny, it's a good laugh. Made by HISHEdotcom on YouTube. Just a warning for those who haven't watched the movie yet, there are spoilers. For those who have watched it, don't plan to watch it, or haven't watched it and don't care, here you go! :D

Thanks for reading! Hope you enjoyed!

Questions? Comments? Complaints? Suggestions? Just want to talk? Want a hug? Just comment!

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