Thursday, November 15, 2012

November Updates

Hello Insanity Storiz Readers,

It is I again! You're friendly writer, Undertaker, actually posting these things on the right day! The 15th! So today our topics are my new story, a returning character, The Turn (again), new story suggestions, and at long last a Timeline! Don't worry, the last three are short. SO much to talk about! Let's start!


Radioactive is the name of my new story in the Insanity universe. I named it Radioactive because...well, stuff blows up? No, really, I named it that because it's about Others going one step further and becoming more like Mutant beings. They have more of an animal instinct and they no longer even look human. Well, they are humanish but they don't act like'll see in the first two chapters. You'll get it! They look crazy. They act crazy. They are created by a crazy dude. But hey! This is Insanity Storiz! We need a little crazy.

Anyway, It's primarily about Kaiba figuring out where all these creatures came from and stuff and eventually figuring out that it was this guy. Boss battle, bang, kaboom, yada yada; that's the summery. Quickest plot summery ever right. Barely gave anything away!

The main characters, there are seven like the original Insanity, their names are Kaiba, Kiri, Jekyll, Rika, Magnus, Thai, and (brum roll please!) Fang! Yes! But more on this a little further down! I don't know if you have noticed but I've changed Kaiba's powers. If you look on The Turn Characters it now says his bones are made of metal and he can extend blades from his arms and legs (kinda like Wolverine minus the anger management issues). It used to say psychic powers but then I thought that it wasn't that much fun to write about. So I did change it.

I haven't set in stone what powers the others should have. Any suggestions? Are you tired of the ones I've been using? I could use some insight. Don't worry. No idea is a bad idea. I just don't want to reuse old ideas that you have all read before and are bored off.

First chapters should be coming out on December 1st!

Bringing Fang Back and Cutting Characters Out!

That's right people! I have been thinking about it for a while and I kinda miss Fang. Sure, the guy's at least like in his late 30's by now (maybe more...), but I think he's still got it! And because Fang is still alive I kind of have timeline for those of you who keep asking!

I know what the rest of you are thinking: "What about (enter favorite Insanity Storiz character here)?" Sorry, only Fang gets to return to the spotlight. I'm sorry, okay! Don't hate me!

As for cutting characters out, I will not have Undertaker or Puppetmaster or any shop replacement returning. Fang kind of takes on that roll as a-OMG I ALMOST TOLD YOU! I know a lot of you enjoy those characters but I am the almighty author. That's right! I just played the "Because I write the content!" Card!

The World Turns Slowly

Enjoying The Turn? Don't worry! I will be writing The Turn and Radioactive at the same time as to not disappoint The Turn fans. I know its going slow but it will get done!

Also, I think Fang and his team will make an appearance. I was thinking it through, and it makes sense in my story. If it doesn't I play the "It's fiction" card. But I have given it a lot of though. So Fang is in all three stories but the whole team is only in Insanity and The Turn. Thought I'd give them another go! I wont go in-dept with them in The Turn though but they will pop in and out.

To the Future and To the Past: Story Suggestions

Is there something you would like me to write about in the future? Plot ideas that you think I should explore? Go a head and comment them! The last thing I want to do is bore you! Give me some new great ideas! They don't even have to belong in the Insanity universe!


Finally have one!

Insanity-------------------------The Turn---------------------Radioactive
Five-Eight years                      One-Two Years


Questions? Comments? Complaints? Suggestions? Just want to talk? Want a hug? Just comment!


  1. Oh dear. You just made this one's day. The wolves are back!!!!!! :D I honestly can't wait until December!
    Honestly, I had mixed feelings when you said that they wouldn't be in the Turn: mad because I love them :D and happy because sometimes authors won't let their characters rest. Like they kill the character 5 times and reincarnate them over and over again. That's annoying. -_-'
    Other than that, sorry I haven't commented in a while. Our school issued laptops block a lot of stuff nowadays so I was using a different browser that wouldn't post my comments. I wrote my comments THREE times, and the stupid browser erased it ALL THREE TIMES!!! Silly me didn't think to at lease copy the text before I submit it XD
    Radioactive: I read the title and thought of the song Radioactive by Imagine Dragons (GREAT SONG, I recommend it if you haven't heard it before) but it honestly sounds amazing. I anticipate it very very openly and greatly!
    (I wrote this whole thing on my laptop, and I luckily managed to save it before it failed for the FOURTH time... -_- I typed it all over again on my phone haha)

    1. Lol! It is good to hear from you again!

      Yeah, I missed writing about the Wolves. As I said above, they wont be main characters but I'm glad they came back. In Radioactive, there is only Fang.

      I'm so sorry that you had to go through all that trouble to comment! Sounds rough! Those school computers are really cracking down! XD

